Encouraging Helps

Kid Fun – Autumn Tree Shaved Crayon Art

Kid Fun – Autumn Tree Shaved Crayon Art

  Kids love fun activities!  Homeschool goes so much smoother when you have some activities planned to take a break from everyday subjects.  I found the best way to do this is to find season appropriate crafts that will brighten the school area as décor. […]

Be a Thankful Mom

Be a Thankful Mom

Sometimes, we feel hopeless, and just one positive word or sharing a piece of our lives with someone can make all the difference. Our life story can change a person’s outlook on life. It can encourage them enough to keep believing, keep trying, and press […]



I had a couple packs of gel window clings and this craft came to mind. The window clings make the flowers almost come to life! There were some happy kids ready to make these bright and cheerful flowers. 🙂 My kids had so much fun! […]

Becoming A Vessel The Lord Can Use

Becoming A Vessel The Lord Can Use

  Becoming A Vessel, The Lord Can Use There are times in your life when you may experience a storm that you cannot talk about with many people. It could be about something close to your heart, and words cannot express how you feel on […]

Dreamy Fruit Salad Dessert

Dreamy Fruit Salad Dessert

Years ago, when my two oldest sons were little, I would make fruit salad for their birthday parties and family get-togethers. They were always a favorite side dish with my guests. When I made this dessert, it brought back many good memories. The grapes are […]