Becoming A Vessel, The Lord Can Use
There are times in your life when you may experience a storm that you cannot talk about with many people. It could be about something close to your heart, and words cannot express how you feel on the inside.
The storm might be caused by someone else’s actions and wrong choices. Wow! Even though we are trying to live right and do right, we must remember that we CANNOT control the actions and choices of others around us.
That is a hard truth to accept!
The life you once knew seems to have been poured into someone’s fist and squeezed through the finger cracks. You now see what looks like a fine powder and is impossible to put back together.
Life can seem dark and lonely at these times, even for a saved child of God. The only light and relief will come from talking and crying to the Lord.
I have found a positive side to these types of storms!
They can change your heart for the better IF YOU ALLOW THEM TO.
The bit of self-righteous attitude you have disappears. You look at others with more compassion and gentleness than ever before.
You begin to really care about the lady walking down the street, all bony, frail, and without teeth. What is her story?! What happened in her life to bring her to this point?
You realize that it could be you if it were not for the strength God gives you each day just to get up and try again.
There are many hurting people around everywhere.
Some are saved, and many are lost, but all hurting. The saved have a lifeline of hope no matter how bad things get.
The lost do not have that same hope in their hearts and can go down quickly.
The storm will beat upon both. The saved will be able to keep finding glimpses of hope and joy to keep standing. The lost will try to stay on their feet but will not last long without The Blessed Hope.
We NEED to remember that someone is always going through something worse than we are. We must place our thoughts on others to get our thoughts off of ourselves.
We NEED to have an attitude of wanting to give and care for others.
We NEED to share the hope and light in our hearts to help the hurting find Jesus.
Once they have Jesus, they have the strength to help them through the storm, no matter how hard it blows!
You who are reading might be hurting today, and that’s ok! We ALL do at different times in our lives.
If you know the Lord, get close to him to get encouragement. You could be the one that will give someone hope that is on
the verge of quitting life!
You will find that the silent storms can become the sweetest storms.
They will strengthen you on the outside but soften you on the inside.
You will hurt, and the toughest part of the battle might not be over. However, you can still make it through with joy because you are not focusing on yourself anymore. You are allowing God to encourage you and use you to help others who are hurting around you.
That is when you become a vessel the Lord can use to help a hurting world.
Share this post if it was a blessing to you. My prayer is that it will help many.
God Bless, Christina
This article is wonderful. Thank you.
Thank you, for taking the time to read this article! The Lord put this on my heart to write and that is such a blessing that you enjoyed it. 😊