Fun Kid’s Lunch Activity

These Animal Shaped PB and Jellies are so much fun to make!

Try these for lunch if you want a break from a mundane homeschooling day. Get the kids involved and make it a learning activity! 

Cut out different animal shape slices of bread and talk about the sounds those animals make. Get more in-depth with older children about how each animal is cared for. Talk about what needs each animal has and how God cares for them.

It is the perfect time to discuss how uniquely God created each animal! Have fun!


This lunch activity lifts the dull spirit and brings smiles to faces.

It only takes a little to help a child find new excitement in learning. 


I have the cutest old-fashioned cookie cutters that a family member passed down. 

Using old cookie cutters for kitchen decor is my thing. 

I had them in an ornate basket displayed beautifully in my kitchen for the longest time. 🙂

A huge fan of antiques and old-fashioned, these items excite me.  

Using old cooking items to make the sandwiches with the kids makes you feel like the super mom. HA! 



Did the cookie cutters have trouble cutting through soft bread without squishing it? Not a problem. It worked great!


I use whole grain breads.

White bread is much softer and stickier, so I am not sure how white bread will work. 

We cut all the bread into the shapes we liked and then put on the peanut butter and jelly.  

This lunch or snack is cheap and fun! You can’t go wrong with this one.

You only need three ingredients and your cookie cutters!

Peanut Butter


You need one unique kitchen tool!

Cookie Cutters


As I stated above, my cookie cutters are the old-fashioned metal ones.

I don’t know how the plastic ones would do.  

I was hoping you could send me some pics of your fun-shaped sandwiches. I would love to see them!

Remember to make special memories with your children.

Have Fun,


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